07-02-2016: Now thru the end of July (07-31), use promo code: GTBCSUMMER
(at checkout) to take 25% off your entire order!
coming Fall 2013.
More details to come!
05-05-12: Coming Summer 2012:
Custom GTBC black athletic mesh shorts, and GTBC wall posters!
---Be on the lookout for these and other soon-to-be-released items!
01-18-2012: Preview the brand new SET YOUR EYES UPON THE THRONE shirts now!
Also, look for new GTBC mesh shorts, fitted hats, posters, wristbands,
and perhaps even tank tops coming in TwentyTwelve!
11-24-2011: Lots of new stuff on the way! Including the new Truffle-colored
SET YOUR EYES UPON THE THRONE shirts (Inspired by Revelation 7:9-17); due for
a January 1, 2011 release:
We are a great multitude,
Washed clean by the blood of the Lamb—
By the One alone who brings Salvation—
Our King, whose radiance illuminates the Heavens!
No longer ones who live in fear—
Surrender that white flag unto the world—
Because unrelenting commitment never wavers.
Set your eyes upon the throne, O’ Mortal,
And bow before the Savior.
Also, have working titles for themes on four new t-shirt/hoodie models.
Look for new 1" custom Grace Through Bloodshed Clothing wristbands coming soon!
Finally, please go to the link provided below to download for FREE, a song
from GTBC band, Good Luck Varsity, and a whole slew of other bands! Get it now!
10-27-2011: The Grace Through Bloodshed Clothing facebook page just topped
the 1,000 "likes" mark! Thank you, friends & supporters! And if you haven't
checked out the GTBC facebook page, you can check it out here below:
10-26-2011: Like Hardcore? Well, if you do, you can download the
HXC Ministry 2011 Compilation CD, completely free of charge! (featuring
GTBC band, Not Without Aim (San Angelo, TX). Copy and paste the link below to
download; enjoy:
10-20-2011: Window clings are now in, for just $1 each! Also, the brand new
truffle-colored (maroon and mocha-like color) SET YOUR EYES UPON THE THRONE
shirts are now in production. Slated for Christmas/New Year release. Finally,
poetry for brand new BRING HEAVEN DOWN TO EARTH shirts is currently in production;
the poetry for those shirts will be released on here in the next couple weeks;
slated for a Spring 2012 release.
O9-07-2011: Don't forget to "Like" the official Grace Through Bloodshed Clothing
page on Facebook, to keep up to date on the latest GTBC news and information!
09-04-2011: Thank you to everyone who has bought GTBC merch in the last year,
especially, because from August 2010-August 2011, $383 was raised to go directly
to Blood: Water Mission, to build clean water wells, and the on-going fight against
AIDS in Africa. So, because of your generous support to GTBC, people's lives on an
entirely different continent (than ours) are being changed for the better!
O8-31-2011: Brand new Grace Through Bloodshed Clothing 6" x 6" Window Decals are now
in, for just $1.00 each. Pictures and more information to come soon!